The Tour du Mont Blanc is a unique trek of more than 170 km around Mont Blanc that can be completed in between 7 and 10 days passing through Italy, Switzerland and France.

Hikers, climbers and mountaineers will greatly appreciate stop overs offered by refuges and gites along the Tour du Mont Blanc.

Welcome to the Tour du Mont-Blanc online booking website

and welcome
to the online booking site 
of the Refuges et Gîtes du Tour du Mont-Blanc !

We are an Association and not a travel agency. We do not keep any money or personal files.

All requests for cancellation and refunds must be made with each accommodation booked.

The site offers you 3 possible entries: by creating your own itinerary, by knowing a precise date, by choosing a precise place.

Determine your refuges according to your desires, the stages that are feasible for you, availability and complete your basket.

For better advice, the walking times between each accommodation are indicated.

To help you find your way around, an interactive map will allow you to see the whole of the Tour du Mont-Blanc, its variants, its refuges and gîtes, campsites, car parks, public transport stops, etc.

Open your basket to proceed to the final payment of the deposit. Only this final step will validate your reservations.

Keep your "road book" by downloading or printing it before leaving the site.

The payment is SINGLE for all the refuges and gites located in the Euro zone (France and Italy), via the secure banking system " One Shot Pay ".
Payment is INDIVIDUAL for EACH refuge or gite booked in Switzerland, and payable in Swiss Francs (often via the "PayPal" banking system).
A confirmation of each reservation is automatically and immediately sent by email to the host and to you (in case of non-reception, think of checking your SPAM sometimes...)

Attention, if the basket is not validated by a payment, your reservation is not effective. Based on real time availability, the basket is never kept after it is closed.

For your comfort and security, an insurance "interruption and cancellation of stay" is proposed. It can only be taken out at the time of booking.

In the event of difficult bookings and availability, think about changing the date, the place of departure or the direction of the journey!

The modest sum of 2€ is requested for the management fees which will allow us to support the maintenance costs of this site and to ensure its promotion.

Thank you for your understanding

Have a great hike on the Tour du Mont-Blanc !


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